
EA methodology implementing

The following diagram shows how an EA project be implemented.

The 4 phases are quite same in different methodologies. And the thread is clear in defining ‘‘where, what, why, who, and how we do architecture’’.
The main aspects are as follows:
Define the enterprise
Identify key drivers and elements in the organizational context
Define the requirements for architecture work
Define the architecture principles that will inform any architecture work
Define the framework to be used
Define the relationships between management frameworks
Evaluate the enterprise architecture maturity

In the implementation of TOGAF 9, there are 10 steps designed by Open Group in TOGAF 9 handbook:
1) Define the Enterprise: the question “why we have this business” can help the architecture team understand the enterprise business target and help them identify those have actual influence on enterprise.

2) Identify the key elements influence the organization: architects should understand the motivation inside the industry, to ensure that in the new plan implementation, the framework design is suitable for the enterprise.

3) Clarify the duty of framework development: EA developers must have interactions with employees of all the levels, from managers to basic level staff, and also the manufacturers, suppliers, and regulatory authorities.

4) Identify framework principle, link it with organizational value and motivation: different organizational value means distinction in organizational culture, structure and the attitude in treating risks.

5) Understand architecture governance:

6) Combine the architecture development process with other management framework: ADM can be used as an independent method, and can also be integrated into other frameworks.

7) Make architecture maturity assessment: Use Capability Maturity Mode to judge the readiness of changing with adopting EA method.

8) Bring architecture functions into the organization:

9) Customize TOGAF:

10) Documentation system.

