In our
project of Internal Benefit Measurement of SEPO, we use four different webpage
formats to analyze, guide format, benefit format, quick answer format, and
smart answer format.
1. Guide
Format Description
first format refers to pages giving information of guidance and procedure
description. A guide format may include information as followed:
(1) Basic
bullets for guidance of a step-by-step process
(2) Basic
information in several aspects on a procedure or a concept
(3) Reference
links to other pages
2. Benefit
Format Description:
formats describes pages, which could help citizens do the following things
(1) Pay
for tax/fine/transport fee and so on.
(2) Apply
for TFN/ ABN/GST and so on.
(3) Other
government-related business which citizens could do on-line.
3. Quick
Answer Description:
answer formats describes simple information pages, which give citizens clear
answer based on unambiguous key words.
4. Smart
Answer Description:
smart answer format is a good way to lead the user into the appropriate
government department by asking answers of certain questions. A smart answer
format may include the information as follow:
(1) One
or more dialog boxes for user to fill
(2) One
or more drop-down lists for user to choose
gathering and analyzing the information automatically, the user can be lead to
a certain page to proceed. We list out two examples from the SA government
website using the format.
And in
each of the four parts, we provide some examples from SA government website to
demonstrate. In addition, performance measurement is also used in demonstrate
the potential internal benefits in each of the four formats.
calculate the overall internal benefit, the evaluation equation can be used:
degree * Guide format + Success degree * Benefit format + Success degree *
Quick answer format + Success degree * Smart answer format